The Appstore

Tapiocan Team

Last Update منذ ٣ أعوام

With Tapiocan's Drag and Drop site builder, building your website is made simple. Thanks to the Tapiocan Appstore, you can add any component, like new text, photo galleries, maps or contact forms.

The Appstore is located in the upper left corner. Click on the icon to open the Appstore and start looking for the apps to build your site.

The basic components correspond to the fundamental elements of your website, such as a navigation menu, a text box, or photo gallery. The components are categorized to make it easier for you to find what's right for you.

When you add a component and then click on it, it will have its own edit-bar above it. There is where you’ll be able to do most edits.

If you don’t know how to start creating your website, check out our page on how to create a website to get some practical tips and the basics to create an effective website.

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