Preview News

Tapiocan Team

Last Update 2 years ago

The App news lets you view the image, the title and part of the article preview.

Always remember to connect the App preview for the App News.

Click on the App, on the edit bar and the icon wheel. From the landing page, enter the page of your site that has the News App: this way, the click, the visitor will be redirected to the full article.

From the style of the title and style of the text, you can modify the color, font and font size of title and text.

On the Show, you can show the date and author, the download button for the files included in the Upload in the article, and only show the featured articles.

By the number of items, you can set the number of thumbnails that are displayed per page and enable pagination.

From the icon color, you can change the background color and set an opacity.

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