Edit A Style Guide

Tapiocan Team

Last Update 2 years ago

The new Center Styles, allows you to edit in a single click, all the texts of the site that use a particular style.

The procedure is very simple.

Click on any text to access the panel Text Style. Click on the field on the style of the text and scroll down to find the button "Edit Style".

You will be presented with a window containing all of the styles in the site.

Approaching the mouse cursor, you can click on the icon "pencil" indicates that the change of the style, and allows you to change the parameters such as the color, the name of the font and the size.

Once you have clicked on Save and accept the changes, all the text linked to the style changed, will be updated according to the new parameters.

To delete a Text Style you must first delete or update all of the texts linked to that style.

Will just be deleted or edited all the texts in question, it will be sufficient to recharge the Centre of the Styles to not see more the style.

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