Add Options

Tapiocan Team

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

From Managing E-commerce click on Options Product and Create an Option.

Now you can define the display mode for the option to go to create, choosing from the drop-down selection, the pane with the preview image, the box with the text inside and the box with the color palette.

Once you have chosen a display mode, that customers will see on the product page, you can set the name of the options category (Ex. Color - Size) and the variants that compose it (Ex. Green, White, etc - Small, Medium, etc.).

After you have created the options and their variants, log in to the product to add the options: click on Products and go to edit the product.

If the product provides for the addition of options, by scrolling down you can choose the variants to be applied. The system will calculate the possible combinations, which may be modified with title, price, amount and photo, are defined for each variant.

Remember to click Save to confirm the entry.

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