Add A Product

Tapiocan Team

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

With the E-commerce of Tapiocan, you can enter a new product at any time.

From the E-commerce Manager, you can create a new product by clicking on PRODUCTS and then on the button CREATE PRODUCT.

Now you can choose the type of product to create: SIMPLE PRODUCT, PRODUCT WITH OPTIONS, and DIGITAL PRODUCT

Selected the type of product to create, you can enter the name of the product to sell, and the other elements essential to its creation, such as Price and Quantity.

If needed, you can also add the description of the product offered, an identification code of the same, all the images that you want, and the weight of the article where it is present.

Click on Save to confirm the creation.

You can access the modification of the product at any time: click on the pencil icon for the product you wish to edit.

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